Best practices for public sector
digital transformation
Expert Practices
We provide an ongoing expert article series sharing insights on Digital Government adoption.
Gov Cloud
Governments around the world are increasingly turning to cloud services to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve security.
Digital Identity
Digital Identity plays a pivotal role in enabling integrated Digital Government services.
Agile Development
By embracing Agile methodologies, governments can innovate faster, and deliver value to citizens more efficiently.
Knowledge Base Community
Open Sourcing Best Practices
A forum for sharing and synthesizing Digital Government best practices from around the world.
The Digital Government Network provides a solutions knowledge base for documenting public sector digital transformation reference models, in an open source format for others to learn from and adopt.
World Class Curriculum
Our knowledge base is formed through synthesizing insights and case studies from the world's leading experts and thought leaders on public sector digital strategy and adoption best practices.
Scale and Manage Training
Our membership services provide a suite of activities for helping your organization audit your own requirements and plan a transformation and learning journey to adopt these practices.
Join our learning and networking community

Digital Nation
A Digital Nation strategy leverages the technology foundations of Digital Government, like Digital Identity and the Blockchain, to implement a national program for economic and social transformation.

Ai Government
Embracing AI in government operations can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, service delivery, and overall governance.

David Smith
Digital Identity Guru

Expert webinars providing a full curriculum of Digital Government shared learning.
Events also feature social networking tools, so you can then also join virtual lounges, meet and connect with tutors and other attendees.
Expert insights and tutorials
Video Articles
Aberdeen City Council Streamlines ‘Digital Front Door’ with AI Chatbots
Enabling citizens to help themselves to round-the-clock support, "AB-1" handles queries on topics such as refuse collection, school term dates and council tax.
HMRC: Blueprint for ‘Government as a Platform’
HMRC's Multi-channel Digital Tax Platform (MDTP) employs Continuous Delivery at scale, operating a cloud platform for over 130 user-facing applications powered by over 1000 microservices.
Liverpool City Council Harnesses Azure Ai Data Science to Protect Vulnerable Families
Liverpool needed to appoint a new Azure Data Partner to help them become data driven, more targeted and more proactive.
Singpass: Singapore’s Digital Identity System
With a user base of more than 4.2 million and providing access to over 1,700 services, Singpass is one of the most pervasively adopted national digital identity systems in the world.

Embracing AI in government operations can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, service delivery and overall governance.